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AEBR 311 Development and testing of spatial distribution models for selected shark and turtle species
AEBR 310 Characterising the shallow, soft-seafloor biomes of northern New Zealand’s Bay of Islands
AEBR 309 Land-based effects on coastal fisheries and kaimoana and their habitats – a review.
AEBR 308 Local-scale spatial risk assessment of inshore commercial fisheries on Hector’s dolphins
AEBR 307 Grooming and preparation of the Yellow-eyed Penguin Database
AEBR 305 Spatial-temporal distribution of inshore fish and cephalopod species of interest to selected top predators
AEBR 304 Temporal and spatial distribution of non-target catch and non-target catch species in deepwater fisheries: supplementary information
AEBR 303 Temporal and spatial distribution of non-target catch and non-target catch species in deepwater fisheries
AEBR 302 Video observation of the FMA 1 bottom longline fishery in 2018–19 and 2019–20
AEBR 301 Role of low- and mid-trophic level fish in the Hauraki Gulf ecosystem
AEBR 300 Climate effects on key fish and megafauna species of the New Zealand Subantarctic zone and adjacent regions of high productivity
AEBR 299 Historical reconstruction and characterisation of spatially explicit historical set net fishing effort data
AEBR 298 Spatial distribution modelling of at-risk seabirds in New Zealand commercial fisheries
AEBR 297 Characterisation of commercial fishing activity overlapping with South Island hoiho (Megadyptes antipodes) distribution
AEBR 296 Factors affecting protected species captures in domestic surface longline fisheries
AEBR 294 Best management practice guidelines for salmon farms in the Marlborough Sounds